A Google search of how to find balance in life returns hundreds of millions of results. You're probably wondering why in the world would I make a video about this let alone title it in a way that doesn't stand out?
The answers are quick — I don't do this for any reason other than to help contribute to the happiness of the online friends who are on this journey with me, hopefully enrich their lives, and 2 – I don't title my videos for shock value; I name them in ways they hopefully speak to the needs of anybody watching.
Life balance is a hot topic on everyone’s mind. Our world today is high speed and high-stress and we have to balance work, family, friends, taking care of others, taking care of ourselves, social, environmental and political consciousness, To Do lists, etc… We are a culture that's extremely overwhelmed and I'd like to play whatever role I can, in helping others find more equilibrium.
There are mountains of information about this and yet – finding balance is much harder in life than in theory. I hope you will enjoy this video and I hope you'll learn something cool. Later this week I'll email the resources mentioned in this video, sign up below if you haven't already.
Thank you for watching, I appreciate you so much for being here!!
With Love Always ♥︎
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