Sounding more confident, more intelligent, increases our powers of persuasion. It will help us land jobs, close sales, and overall increase the quality of the relationships we have with other people, though we just met them, or the other person is a boss, a friend or significant other. I am…
My beautiful friends, thank you for checking out this blog! Believe it or not, I'm a winter-lover (Disclaimer: Californian winter, also known as low temps in the 50's :D ). I love the Holidays! I come alive during the winter season and I'm the happiest I am year-round. Even so,…
Beautiful friend, since the video category this week is Beauty and the theme is Summer, I wanted to share some of my favorite summertime beauty tricks and DIY ideas. Leave me a comment below or hit me up social and tell me what you think, share some of your tips,…
After all the times I've spoken out loud about the stress of wedding planning, the lack of time, the nervousness… just like that – the day's come and gone! Throughout the day, I did my best to vlog and capture the essence of what was going on. There were times…
This was a requested video and given that the issue of jealousy is also universal, I wanted to roll this out as soon as I can and with the most amount of rich content possible. I couldn't launch on my usual Thursday because of all the wedding planning. I can't…
Hello (beautiful souls everywhere I get to call friends), thank you for being here and following this journey! It’s been an exciting road leading up to this moment and now we’re finally so close to the wedding day, I’m really excited to get there already and just enjoy the day.…
Show me someone “without STRESS in their lives” and I’ll show you a LIER! :D Stress is inevitable and we all have to deal with it. But we can’t let it affect our lives, or the damage it leaves behind can cause serious health and emotional damage. It’s time we…