How many times have you heard: "You have to love yourself"?

Sure, we know that loving ourselves is pivotal and beautiful things happen when living from that space, but how do we get there? Many of us are champions at kicking ourselves and finding the needle in the haystack. We know everything that's wrong with us and we know everything we don't like about ourselves.

So.. Saying we should love ourselves is easy. Figuring out how – and DOing it, is another story. Today I'm sharing with you what I've been doing, how I've been doing things and what has helped. I get how hard this is, trust me! But if a lunatic like me can do it, other people can do it too.

Make sure to check out the Self Help category for videos that can support and complement the tips from today's video, so there's a solid 360. I love you and hope you'll enjoy what you're seeing!


With Love Always ♥︎
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Founder & CEO of VREA Cosmetics. Beauty & Skincare obsessed. Advocate for Science over marketing.

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