Nice to see you again my beautiful friend!
I totally dropped the ball this time, and didn't take enough pictures to entertain you. Promise not to let that happen again!! :D
In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy this week's fashion pics. True to form, I use #iphoneonly pictures, with #nofilter. Should you have any questions or feedback, I'm all yours and I'm all ears. Enjoy the rest of your day/or night, and don't forget to join me below. The stuff I'm working on… you won't want to miss it!! It will be EXCLUSIVE to the private group.
Leather leggings are from H&M. Since they don't sell online, I looked around for you, and found a similar pair. Take a look!
Open knit sweater is from Forever 21 – Here's the exact one.
The shoes are called "Don't Stop Pump" from Chinese Laundry – The suede version is available from Piperlime here. The only place I could still find the patent version like the ones I'm wearing, was Amazon, and here's the direct link.
Necklace is Arden B.
Ring from Forever21.
Gold tiger bracelet was from ShopPublik and the white bangle was from Asos. Here's the exact one. Very affordable too!!
Thank you for being here, can't wait to see you soon!
How To Be The Most Perfect Partner – watch it here.
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#askalexandra on Instagram and Twitter. — your questions will go straight into my inbox :)